Bill Sponsor
Bill Sponsor Graphics
Browse Bill Sponsor's catalog of bill and politician graphics, which were created using freely licensed images.
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Since bill titles can change, some graphic titles may differ from their most recent bill title.
H.R.515 119 To amend title 10 United States Code to prohibit discrimination in the Armed Forces
H.R.500 119 To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to remove the exclusion of Medicare covera
H.R.264 119 To amend title 49 United States Code to require Amtrak to make traditional dining and an a
H.R.327 119 To amend title 18 United States Code to increase the penalty for fraudulent misrepresentat
H.R.324 119 To provide for the collection and sharing of information including tax return information
H.R.273 119 To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to continue to implement the Migrant Protecti
H.R.286 119 To amend title 18 United States Code to penalize false communications to cause an emergenc
H.R.306 119 To amend the Credit Repair Organizations Act to add additional protections against harmful
S.70 119 A bill to require the imposition of sanctions with respect to Ansarallah and its officials
H.R.366 119 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to cover into the treasury of the Virgin Island
S.87 119 A bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to modify work requirements under the s
S.83 119 A bill to amend title 18 United States Code to provide enhanced penalties for convicted mu