Brad Roae
Pennsylvania · State Representative · District 6 · Republican
Room 151, East Wing P.O. Box 202006, Harrisburg, PA 17120
18937 Park Avenue Plaza, Meadville, PA 16335
145 W. Erie St., Linesville, PA 16424
Room 151, East Wing P.O. Box 202006, Harrisburg, PA 17120
18937 Park Avenue Plaza, Meadville, PA 16335
145 W. Erie St., Linesville, PA 16424
Featured Bills
Oct 17, 2023
Passed House
Pennsylvania House Resolution 245
A Resolution urging the Congress of the United States to provide the State of Israel with the support necessary to ensure its safety and security and condemning the terrorist attack in Israel by Hamas.
May 22, 2023
Passed House
Pennsylvania House Bill 953
An Act repealing the act of September 1, 1965 (P.L.420, No.215), known as The Frozen Dessert Law.
Nov 03, 2022
Signed by Governor
Pennsylvania House Bill 397
An Act amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Nonprofit Security Grant Fund, further providing for Nonprofit Security Grant Fund and for expiration; in Commonwealth services, further providing for State Fire Commissioner and for curriculum and training and providing for capital grants for municipal fire departments, for capital grants for emergency service training centers, for money for online training for firefighters and for money for reimbursement to Pennsylvania bomb squads; in volunteer firefighters, further providing for fire relief formula study; in grants to fire companies and emergency medical services companies, further providing for award of grants for volunteer fire companies and for award of grants for emergency medical services companies; in incentives for municipal volunteers of fire companies and nonprofit emergency medical services agencies, further providing for rejection and appeal; in emergency medical services, providing for tuition and loan assistance for active volunteers and establishing the Active Volunteer Tuition and Loan Assistance Program and the Active Volunteer Tuition and Loan Assistance Program Fund; in emergency medical services system, providing for scholarships for recruitment, training and retention; and establishing the EMS Training Fund.
Became Law
Nov 03, 2022
Signed by Governor
Pennsylvania House Bill 2057
An Act amending Titles 15 (Corporations and Unincorporated Associations) and 54 (Names) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in general provisions, further providing for definitions, for form of records, for delivery of document, for functions of Department of State, for processing of documents by Department of State, for court to pass upon rejection of documents by Department of State, for statement of correction and for tax clearance of certain fundamental transactions, providing for annual report and further providing for short title and application of subchapter and for fee schedule; in entities generally, further providing for requirements for names generally, for required name changes by senior associations and for registration of name of nonregistered foreign association and providing for ratification of defective entity actions; in entity transactions, further providing for definitions, for relationship of chapter to other provisions of law, for nature of transactions, for excluded entities and transactions, for approval by business corporation, for interest exchange authorized, for statement of conversion and effectiveness, for approval of division, for division without interest holder approval, for effect of division, for allocation of liabilities in division and for domestication authorized and providing for administrative dissolution or cancellation; in foreign associations, further providing for governing law, for activities not constituting doing business, for noncomplying name of foreign association, for required withdrawal on certain transactions and for termination of registration; in corporations, further providing for application and effect of subchapter, for standard of care and justifiable reliance, for personal liability of directors, for notation of dissent, for exercise of powers generally, for alternative standard, for limitation on standing and for actions by shareholders or members to enforce a secondary right and providing for renunciation of business opportunities; in general provisions relating to business corporations, further providing for application of subpart and for definitions and repealing provisions relating to annual report information; in incorporation, further providing for articles of incorporation; in corporate powers, duties and safeguards, further providing for general powers, for adoption, amendment and contents of bylaws, for persons bound by bylaws, for registered office, for corporate records and inspection by members, for bylaws and other powers in emergency and for informational rights of a director, providing for forum selection provisions and further providing for authorized shares, for stock rights and options, for transfer of securities and restrictions, for power of corporation to acquire its own shares, for liability for unlawful dividends and other distributions and for application and effect of subchapter; in officers, directors and shareholders, further providing for manner of giving notice, for place and notice of meetings of shareholders, for use of conference telephone or other electronic technology, for conduct of shareholders meeting, for alternative provisions, for standard of care and justifiable reliance, for personal liability of directors, for notation of dissent, for exercise of powers generally, for alternative standard, for limitation on standing and for inconsistent articles ineffective, providing for renunciation of business opportunities, further providing for board of directors, for qualifications of directors, for term of office of directors, for selection of directors, for quorum of and action by directors, for interested directors or officers and quorum, for compensation of directors, for executive and other committees of the board and for officers, providing for officer's standard of care and justifiable reliance and for personal liability of officers and further providing for mandatory indemnification, for duration and extent of coverage, for time of holding meetings of shareholders, for quorum, for voting rights of shareholders, for determination of shareholders of record, for voting lists, for consent of members in lieu of meeting, for derivative action, for eligible shareholder plaintiffs and security for costs and for special litigation committee; in fundamental changes, further providing for proposal of fundamental transactions, for amendment of articles authorized, for proposal of amendments for adoption of amendments, for voluntary transfer of corporate assets and for survival of remedies and rights after dissolution; in nonstock corporations, further providing for election of an existing business corporation to become a nonstock corporation and for termination of nonstock corporation status; in registered corporations, further providing for call of special meetings of shareholders, for adjournment of meetings of shareholders, for consent of shareholders in lieu of meeting, and for notice of shareholder meetings, providing for qualifications of directors, and further providing for application and effect of subchapter, for definitions, for business combination, for application and effect of subchapter, for definitions, for voting rights of shares acquired in a control-share, for procedure for establishing voting rights of control shares, for application and effect of subchapter and for definitions; in benefit corporations, further providing for standard of conduct for directors, for benefit director and for standard of conduct for officers; in general provisions relating to nonprofit corporations, further providing for definitions and repealing provisions relating to annual report; in incorporation, further providing for articles of incorporation; in corporate powers duties and safeguards, further providing for adoption, amendment and contents of bylaws, for persons bound by bylaws, for registered office, for corporate records and inspection by members, for bylaws and other powers in emergency and for informational rights of a director, providing for forum selection provisions, and further providing for authority to take and hold trust property; in officers, directors and members, further providing for manner of giving notice, for place and notice of meetings of members, for use of conference telephone or other electronic technology, for conduct of members meeting, for alternative provisions, for standard of care and justifiable reliance, for personal liability of directors, for notation of dissent, for exercise of powers generally, for alternative standard and for limitation on standing, providing for renunciation of corporate opportunities, further providing for board of directors, for term of office of directors, for selection of directors, for quorum of and action by directors, for interested directors or officers and quorum, for compensation of directors, for executive and other committees of the board and for officers, providing for officer's standard of care and justifiable reliance and for personal liability of officers and further providing for mandatory indemnification, for duration and extent of coverage, for time of holding meetings of members, for quorum, for voting rights of members, for determination of members of record, for consent of members in lieu of meeting, for derivative action, for eligible member plaintiffs and security for costs and for special litigation committee; in amendments, sale of assets and dissolution, further providing for amendment of articles authorized, for proposal of amendments and for survival of remedies and rights after dissolution; in electric cooperative corporations, further providing for merger, consolidation, division or sale of assets; in general partnerships, further providing for short title and application of chapter, for partner's rights and duties and for rights to information; in limited partnerships, further providing for short title and application of chapter, for signing of filed documents, for registered office, for limited partner rights to information, for general partner rights to information, for derivative action, for security for costs and for special litigation committee; in limited liability companies, further providing for formation of limited liability company and certificate of organization, for registered office, for rights to information, for derivative action, for security for costs, for special litigation committee, for standard of conduct for members and for standard of conduct for managers and officers; in limited liability companies, further providing for application and effect of subchapter; in business trusts, further providing for registered office; in general provisions, further providing for definitions and for execution of documents; in fictitious names, further providing for definitions, for registration, for contracts entered into by entity using unregistered fictitious name and for effect of registration; in corporate and other association names, repealing provisions relating to register established, to certain additions to register, to decennial filings required, to effect of failure to make filings, to late filings and to voluntary termination of registration by corporations and other associations; and making editorial changes.
Became Law
Oct 28, 2022
Signed by Governor
Pennsylvania House Bill 1630
An Act amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Human Services Code, in public assistance, providing for pharmacy benefits manager audit and obligations; and abrogating regulations.
Became Law
Recent Votes
Feb 5, 2025
Voted Yes
Pennsylvania House Bill 439
An Act amending the act of October 27, 1955 (P.L.744, No.222), known as the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, further providing for definitions.
Feb 5, 2025
Voted Yes
Pennsylvania House Bill 439
An Act amending the act of October 27, 1955 (P.L.744, No.222), known as the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, further providing for definitions.
Feb 5, 2025
Voted Yes
Pennsylvania House Bill 261
An Act amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921, in casualty insurance, further providing for conditions subject to which policies are to be issued and for group accident and sickness insurance; and, in community health reinvestment, further providing for definitions.
Feb 5, 2025
Voted No
Pennsylvania House Bill 77
An Act amending Title 3 (Agriculture) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in food protection, further providing for definitions, providing for food allergy awareness and further providing for powers of department.
Feb 5, 2025
Voted Yes
Pennsylvania Senate Bill 184
An Act amending the act of December 20, 1985 (P.L.457, No.112), known as the Medical Practice Act of 1985, further providing for visiting team physician.
Feb 5, 2025
Voted Yes
House Resolution 35
Pennsylvania House Resolution 35
A Resolution designating March 9, 2025, as "Charter Day" and Pennsylvania's 344th birthday in Pennsylvania.
No bills available for Brad Roae.
No votes available for Brad Roae.
Top Legislative Subjects
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