Stephen Kinsey
Pennsylvania · State Politician (Former) · Democrat
Featured Bills
Nov 18, 2024
Signed by Governor
Pennsylvania House Bill 1210
An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in protection from abuse, further providing for relief, for emergency relief by minor judiciary and for arrest for violation of order.
Became Law
Nov 18, 2024
Signed by Governor
Pennsylvania House Bill 1304
An Act amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania
Consolidated Statutes, in 911 emergency communication
services, further providing for definitions, for
telecommunications management and for counties, providing for
addressing authorities and for next generation 911 call
delivery, further providing for 911 system plan, for fund,
for payment, collection and remittance of surcharge by
providers of 911 communications services, for payment,
collection and remittance of surcharge by sellers of prepaid
wireless telecommunications service, for telephone records,
for penalty, for immunity and for shared residential MLTS
service, repealing provisions relating to business MLTS, to
shared communications services, to temporary residence and to
local notification, further providing for ALI database
maintenance, repealing provisions relating to dialing
instructions and further providing for MLTS signaling and for
prohibited release of information.
Became Law
Nov 18, 2024
Signed by Governor
Pennsylvania House Bill 2426
An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in miscellaneous provisions relating to offenses in general, providing for use of registration plate flipping device.
Became Law
Oct 31, 2024
Signed by Governor
Pennsylvania House Bill 450
An Act amending the act of April 23, 2002 (P.L.298, No.39), known as the Main Street Act, further providing for the duration of grants.
Became Law
Oct 29, 2024
Signed by Governor
Pennsylvania House Bill 843
An Act amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in emergency management services, providing for counterterrorism planning, preparedness and response; in Emergency Management Assistance Compact, providing for construction; and making repeals.
Became Law
Recent Votes
Jul 12, 2024
Voted Yes
Pennsylvania House Bill 613
An Act providing for funding for certain State-aided universities for
the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30,
2025, and for a certain State-aided university for the fiscal
year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024, for
costs basis, for frequency of payments and for recordkeeping
requirements; imposing a duty on the Auditor General;
providing for financial statements, for the Agricultural
College Land Scrip Fund and for restrictions; and making
Jul 12, 2024
Voted Yes
Pennsylvania House Bill 897
An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in transfers of credits between
institutions of higher education, further providing for
definitions and for duties of public institutions of higher
education, providing for guaranteed admission and further
providing for applicability; in higher education
accountability and transparency, further providing for
definitions and providing for transparency and
accountability; in miscellaneous provisions relating to
institutions of higher education, providing for Dual Credit
Innovation Grant Program; providing for institutions of
higher education and for coordination of higher education;
and making editorial changes.
Jul 12, 2024
Voted Yes
Pennsylvania House Bill 2310
An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, in emergency COVID-19 response, further
providing for emergency education relief to nonpublic schools; providing for State Health Insurance Exchange
Affordability Program; in Treasury Department, further
providing for investment of moneys; in oil and gas wells,
further providing for Oil and Gas Lease Fund; in
transportation network companies, motor carrier companies and
parking authority of a city of the first class; providing for
operation of taxicabs; in assessments, further providing for
intermediate care facilities for persons with an intellectual
disability assessments and for hospital assessments; in
Attorney General, providing for costs of investigation and
litigation under Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer
Protection Law; providing for Pennsylvania Minority Business
Development Authority and for Agriculture Innovation Grant
Program; in special funds, providing for Pennsylvania
Convention Center; in Tobacco Settlement Fund, further
providing for establishment of special fund and account and
for use of fund; in Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Fund,
further providing for distributions from Pennsylvania Race
Horse Development Fund; in miscellaneous limitations and
transfers, providing for refund of 2009 assessment by
Insurance Department; in Clean Streams Funds, further
providing for Clean Streams Fund; in Service and
Infrastructure Improvement Fund, further providing for
deposits; in general budget implementation, further providing
for Executive Offices, for Department of Agriculture, for
Department of Community and Economic Development, for
Department of General Services, for Department of Labor and
Industry, for Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and
for Commonwealth Financing Authority, providing for Mixed-Use
Revitalization Program, further providing for Supreme Court,
for Federal and Commonwealth use of forest land and for
Multimodal Transportation Fund and providing for School
Safety and Security Fund; in 2023-2024 budget implementation,
further providing for Department of Human Services and for
Department of Transportation; providing for 2024-2025 budget
implementation, for 2024-2025 restrictions on appropriations
for funds and accounts, for Streamlining Permits for Economic
Expansion and Development Program, for Pennsylvania Strategic
Investment to Enhance Sites (PA SITES) Program and for fiscal
supplements to statutory programs; making repeals; and making
an editorial change.
Jul 12, 2024
Voted Yes
Pennsylvania House Bill 897
An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in transfers of credits between
institutions of higher education, further providing for
definitions and for duties of public institutions of higher
education, providing for guaranteed admission and further
providing for applicability; in higher education
accountability and transparency, further providing for
definitions and providing for transparency and
accountability; in miscellaneous provisions relating to
institutions of higher education, providing for Dual Credit
Innovation Grant Program; providing for institutions of
higher education and for coordination of higher education;
and making editorial changes.
Jul 12, 2024
Voted Yes
Pennsylvania Senate Bill 654
An Act amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, in sales and use tax, further providing for
exclusions from tax; in personal income tax, further
providing for definitions and for classes of income and
providing for transfer to Clean Streams Fund; in corporate
net income tax, further providing for definitions and
providing for determination of net loss deduction; in bank
and trust company shares tax, further providing for
ascertainment of taxable amount and exclusion of United
States obligations; in realty transfer tax, further providing
for transfer of tax; in Historic Preservation Incentive Tax
Credit, further providing for tax credit certificates; in
Coal Refuse Energy and Reclamation Tax Credit, further
providing for application and approval of tax credit and for
limitation on tax credits; in city revitalization and
improvement zones, further providing for definitions, for
establishment or designation of contracting authority, for
approval, for reports, for transfers, for restrictions, for
transfer of property and for review; in Manufacturing and
Investment Tax Credit, further providing for definitions, for
rural growth funds, for claiming the tax credit and for
revocation of tax credit certificates; in Neighborhood
Assistance Tax Credit, further providing for tax credit and
for grant of tax credit; providing for 529 savings account
employer matching contribution tax credit and for employer
child care contribution tax credit; in Computer Data Center
Equipment Incentive Program, further providing for
definitions and for sales and use tax exemption; providing for tuition account programs; and making an editorial change.
Jul 12, 2024
Voted Yes
Pennsylvania Senate Bill 831
An Act providing for the injection of carbon dioxide into an underground reservoir for the purpose of carbon sequestration, for the ownership of pore space in strata below surface lands and waters of the Commonwealth, for conveyance of the surface ownership of real property; imposing duties on the Department of Environmental Protection and the Environmental Hearing Board; and establishing the Carbon Dioxide Storage Facility Fund.
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